Hi! I’m Sammi! And welcome to my humble New York kitchen. I live in Manhattan with my husband, [a disposal: disposing of all edible successes and failures], an 8 year old boy, Jude, [a disposal in the making: who by default must eat any and all creations I make], and baby Theo…not really a baby but he thinks so…and so do I.
Ok, a few things I’ve summarized in my long 35 years as a productive Eater…..I’ve decided that the best things in life are dark chocolate, nutritious food, and good people. All of which if you find one–you can easily find the others close behind.
I am a Registered Nurse and worked in the Emergency Room in Newport Beach California where my full time career as a nurse peaked at a young age–and am now working very very part time as a Nurse Care Manager in New York City with the aging population. I love my job! I get to visit the elderly around the city, learn from all their years of living and they become my very own grandparents. I’m lucky.
I also am a NCAA group fitness certified fitness coach because I LOVE to workout. I am not a habitual person by nature and I thrive off of the unknown and spontaneous. However, one constant in my life is exercise. I have a passion for that natural adrenaline rush and stress relief that is gained through daily exercise and I go bonkers if I don’t make time daily to exercise.
I have seen in all my careers…as an ER nurse, with the aging population AND as a fitness instructor…just how influential a good or bad diet can be. And I strive to instill a love for good food and healthy eating to all of those around me.
My qualifications for hosting a food blog are as follows: a real good appetite, a deep urge to eat healthy and feed my family as such, and a true passion for beating the ‘processed food guy’. I also have a deep passion for crushed ice. Blended, like a snow cone…very particular about that one. So, all you Good-Whole-Ingredients AND all you Good Desserts…we’re going to continue to have a great time at home and show all our friends just how to be tasty without all the added fluff. Welcome!
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