Blue Apron’s Cauliflower Meunière

Blue Apron roasted cauliflower

This savory cauliflower soft boiled egg dish-by the fancy name of Meunière-will blow your socks off just in time for your Easter celebration thanks to Blue Apron.

Did you know that fresh from the hen eggs are maybe superior to commercial ones. It’s true.

here are some FACTS ABOUT FARM EGGS…thanks to my sister who has them:)


1. They usually have a deep, golden yolk in the inside of the variety of eggshell colors.

2. Fresh eggs have superior flavor, texture, and thicker eggshells – [all due to the higher quality of care and nutrition that small farm hens receive compares to large-scale poultry operations.]

3. Fresh eggs are not processed in the same manner as commercial eggs. [You can wash and store fresh eggs differently than store-bought eggs.]…they don’t have to be refrigerated!

  • They don’t have to be put in the fridge until one has washed off the outside.
    • WHY?? because during the process of laying an egg, a hen’s body deposits a natural protective coating on the outside of the eggshell – called the “egg bloom”. The “egg bloom” is a layer of protein that covers the surface of the egg, sealing the porous shell and protecting it from bacteria which is what causes it to spoil.
  • When they are washed, the bloom is also washed away and then they can spoil.
 Yep, there you go! Go and find yourself some hens so you can have your fresh eggs to leave on the counter:) 

Okay, and after you have purchased your hens and have waited a few months until they lay their first eggs, then you are ready to make this Egg dish that you are going to love.

This recipe is from Blue Apron. We tried Blue Apron a few times while in New York because not only did I get a $35 dollars off but ALSO they walked it up to my door…whatever walk-up floor it happened to be on!

A small CAVEAT and why some people aren’t fans of Blue Apron would also say that the meals are made for the moderate/intermediate chef….

-For the "I want to cook but don't want to be bothered by HAVING to go out in the elements JUST to buy the ingredients" kind of chef.
-For the "its ok to spend 1 hour in the kitchen cooking a meal as long as I didn't have to go out and buy my items" kind of chef. 

-For the "my kids probably won't eat it and i'm okay with it" kind of chef. 


Sometimes I am okay with being that chef described above and sometimes I’m not. So when I’m not, I order Take-Out. But when I am, I know that a Blue Apron meal is a good choice.

I first had this particular meal at a dear friend’s house for a girls lunch. It was heavy enough to count for Lunch but light enough to appease any one who may or may not need a hearty meal with a heavy meat.

The steps are a little tricky and like I said, this recipe does take a good few min to prepare. But it is so worth it and is a go to in my house.

[When I make it for dinner, I make a sautéed chicken something to bulk it up a bit.


  • The roasted cauliflower has the perfect texture when eaten in tandem with the soft boiled egg. It’s also a fairly well liked vegetable. So if the soft boiled egg doesn’t go over well, my guests have the lovely no-fail roasted cauliflower to enjoy.
  • The soft boiled egg is a wonderful flair! I don’t really ever seek out a soft boiled egg because I don’t know what to pair it with,…and this is it! With the warm kale and the crunchy bread crumbs?? yum.
    • Although its a little tricky cooking the soft boiled egg, if you can master it. You will be so proud of yourself! Just read the Blue Apron instrcutions very carefully and you WON’T fail.
  • The Garlicky sauteed Lacinato Kale. I love garlic and this is a perfect mixture and the perfect amount. And when you add it with the soft kale…
  • The Capers may be the best and last of my favorite things about this dish. Like the soft boiled egg, sometimes the strong flavor of the caper is hard to place with another item. However, this dish is the right place for it. And it’s fun to try something new at the grocery store every once in a while.

All the instructions are here

Blue Apron roasted cauliflower

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