Decorating the perfect spring sugar cookies is a must for any small family event that you might have this year…even if its just with YOU! Read below to find out just how easy it is to perfectly flood that delicious spring sugar cookie.

If you are wondering when to decorate your spring sugar cookies…and when to spend all those late night hours doing your art project which equates to those spring sugar cookies??
WELL!! There is no better time than during Corona Virus Quaratine! I feel like this quaratine couldn’t have come at a better time in the year. It’s still cold enough outside that you want to be inside…but warm enough to get out and enjoy the spring blossoms. And this too shall pass….after you stay up all night decorating your cookies that is.
Also, what a fun time to decorate cookies!

I’ve messed around with flooding sugar cookies for a little while and its so much fun I want to share it.
There are a few necessary ingredients in order to flood a sugar cookie. {ps if you need a recipe for a great roll out sugar cookie…you can use this one here!}
- meringue powder
- glycerin drops (optional actually)
- butter flavoring/vanilla extract
- powdered sugar
- lemon juice
- a few small bowls
- a few small snack ziploc bags {or piping bags if you have them}
- scissors
A few of the most important tricks when flooding cookies are to make sure the cookies are all the way cooled. If they are slightly warm, the meringue frosting will drip off and not give you the outline you need.
STEP #1: Mix all the ingredients with a fork {NOT beaters….it will thicken too quickly with beaters}
STEP #2: Divide the frosting between two bowls- 1 bowl will be for the outlining of the cookies and the other bowl is for the flooding. Both are different consistencies which is why you need two separate bowls. {or as many bowls as you are going to want for the colors.
The frosting in the outlining bowl needs to be a little thicker than the flooding bowl. It has to keep the shape and not slide off the side of the cookie. Think of outlining when you color a picture…same thing:)
The frosting in the flooding bowl needs to be a little thinner so it can spread out from edge to edge within the outline. To make it thinner, add a few drops of water at a time.

STEP #3: Make sure you have all the cookies clumped together which will need the same color outline. Place the outline frosting in the ziploc bag. Snip the corner of the bag…that opening will serve as your tip where the frosting will come out.
STEP #4: Place the flooding frosting in another ziploc bowl, also snipping the corner for easy decorating.
STEP #5: Plan out the colors you want so you can have both the outline and the flooding prepared bags close. Then, outline the cookie with the OUTLINE baggie. Draw a thin line around the outside of the cookie creating an outline of meringue frosting. Then squeeze the flooding frosting onto the cookie. If it is the right consistency, the flooding frosting should smooth out easily. You can also tap the cookie lightly to help with the flooding part.
STEP #6: Let the flooding dry before adding the top decorations.
** I store my cookies in a freezer bag or freezer container the day before I need them. I think the flavors really blend nicely when made a day in advance. Also, then you have it all done!
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