“If you can’t control your peanut butter…you can’t be expected to control your life.” -Bill Waterson, author of Calvin and Hobbes
Amen Bill.
If I had to choose words to fly on a banner outside of my apartment window…it would read Natural Peanut Butter and Snow Cone Ice!!! The two things I am very, very passionate about.
And then in small letters underneath would read “BLENTEC BLENDER” because both can be made perfectly with my blendtec twister jar.
SO, in summary. If I can convince anyone to do anything….blending your own peanut butter would be top.
Now let me continue to convince you with a few facts-
Peanuts were discovered in South America in 950 BC…it was the Aztecs and Mayan’s that first smashed their peanuts into a thick paste
In 1844, Mr. Edson of Canada issued US patent representing the first patent on making peanuts into a fluid state…he used his product strictly to make his peanut candy.
In 1897, Dr. Kellog issued the first patent on making peanut butter.
An 18 ounce jar of peanut butter is made from 850 peanuts.
Americans consume 700 million pounds every year….that’s over two pounds per person.

Monounsturated fat in peanut butter reducsed the risk of heart disease
Vitamin B3 helps the body to convert food into fuel and metabolizes fats and protein.
Reduces risk of weight gain
Good source of Dietary fiber (helps the bowels–if you know what I mean) and helps prevent colorectal cancer.
So fun. Peanut butter.
If you dare—-do a comparison test and put Jiffy or skippy or any other ‘non’ natural brand of peanut butter (aka those with palm oil, or peanut oil and sugar) right next to a natural brand…or the one YOU are going to make! And taste the difference! You will love your new finding.
What’s shocking is you don’t need any oil or sugar to make peanut butter taste delicious. Peanuts contain plenty of oil naturally so when broken down, the oil is expelled. Therefore, providing for the wet consistency of peanut butter.
I have noticed, that some peanuts are more ‘oily’ than others. However, if you blend the peanuts long enough, I have never had a batch that doesn’t produce enough oil to make a creamy butter.
STEP #1: Gather your nuts of choice.
I usually go with 1/4 50% Roasted Almonds from TJ’s + 3/4 unsalted roasted peanuts also from TJ’s
STEP #2: Blend in your blender
If you don’t have a twister jar…you should consider getting one. BUT until then, you can surely use what you have! The thing that makes the twister great is it has a lid with spokes around the side. Making it so the peanuts don’t get stuck. (I’m assuming the vitamix would also work OK)
STEP #3: Blend until it is at the desired consistency.
We like it chunky but just keep blending and it will become smooth!
- honey
- maple syrup
- vanilla
- salt
- cocoa powder if you please!
- make a peanut sauce for chicken
Grab your peanuts, grab your blender and change your life by making your own peanut buter!!!!
BONUS: if you are too lazy to get up and get your kids breakfast….a big grab it yourself spoonful of peanut butter can hold them over for at least another 1 hour of you sleeping:)

Are you convinced?!

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