It IS possible to cook bacon without the need of a roll of paper towels to sop up the grease…or having to balance a baking sheet full of grease to prevent it from spilling on the floor.
This is an easy way to cook bacon that simply involves a cookie cooling rack (or roasting rack) and a jelly roll pan!
- Bacon
- I always search for the uncured, thick cut bacon, with the least amount of sugar and fat haha its tricky but doable!
- Jelly roll pan
- Parchment paper/tin foil
- Roasting rack/cookie cooling rack like this one
- Maple syrup [optional]
#1: Line the jelly roll pan with tinfoil so the grease that does exude from the bacon, collects there!
– Then when its done, simply toss the tin foil.
#2: Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
#3: Lay the bacon over the cookie cooling rack and drizzle with maple syrup if you please..
#4: Let cook for 15 min until crispy! Oooh enjoy!

my two bacons–
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