Although papaya’s may look intimidating from the outside…cutting one of these beauties is actually easy! And it yields a very delicious fruit.
As many of you may know, my little family of 4 have been graciously living with my parents in Utah since April 2020. We have had a really great time. My children have been able to live by cousins, live WITH grandparents, experience the joys of having a backyard, enjoying the luxury of having ma cook all meals for them, taking full advantage of the nearest Rocket Express car wash and many many other suburban conveniences.
Although quite the understatment, we have REALLY been enjoying ourselves in Utah. REALLY. However, as the weather began to change {for the cold}, we took a step back and thought…where could we go that doesn’t involve cold.
Simple. Hawaii.
And since we knew of some dear friends living in Maui, we decided to go for it…at least for a few months.
So here we are! In Maui on the West side of the island. Until December 17th—or indefinitely. Whichever comes first:)
Because we have friends here, we also get a deep dive {literally ha} into the culture and water AND most importantly- the Fresh fruit! We have already tasted and learned of many new varieties of our favorite fruits! And discovered many new ones!
One being the Papaya. Did you know that there is a Strawberry version of the papaya? According to the world wide web:
The firm juicy flesh of the Strawberry papaya is sweeter than any other variety. It boasts flavors of peaches, melon and berries.
Although there seem to be many varieties of papaya’s around this part of the world, the Strawberry seems to be most accessible for us thus far. And it is tasty!
Here are some interesting health benefits!
- 103% of your daily Vitamin C needs
- relieves toothaches! [who knew]
- reduces acne and burns
- effective against intestinal worms
- relieves constipation!!!! [very fitting for moi]
- boosts immune system
- helps to prevent heart disease
- Improves skin complexion!
#1: Find yourself a Papaya
-the outside should NOT be green [if green, leave it to ripen at room temperature]
-the yellow skin should have an orange glow
-must be soft to touch, kind of like an avocado
#2: Cut in half lengthwise
-there is NO pit, just lots of little seeds so its easy to slice through
#3: Scoop out seeds with a spoon and discard.
-I tried the seeds and they are very bitter. But I read they are good for you……..
#4: Watch the video on how to best cut them:)
#5: Enjoy in a smoothie, on yogurt, plain old plain or freeze for later!

not to rub it in but we had fresh coconut to put on top!! yum!! And that is strawberry guava and dragonfruit on the side. A very nice addition. Also, if you’re looking for homemade granola…look no farther!

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