This EASY peasy 2 ingredient fruit leather is a great and healthy snack to whip up using any fruit you have in your house…and it requires only fruit! No sugar needed!

Have you been wondering how you are going to use all of those peaches you picked fresh from the farm OR the store OR from the back of your car:)
Well, however it is you obtained your fruit…there is nothing like going to the fridge or the counter and reazling that you have WAY too much to use before it goes bad.
Making good old fashioned FRUIT LEATHER is your solution!
According to the Founding Father’s of fruit leather {FRUIT ROLL UPS}–
The product originated as an apricot fruit leather called amardeen, which was being enjoyed in the United States as early as the turn of the 20th century in a small Syrian community in New York City.
Maybe that’s why my children love it so. It packs very well when trapsing around the city and my children begin to whine because of hungar. It doesn’t have to be kept cold and i don’t have to worry if it gets smashed! Thank you small Syrian community for creating such a wonderful treat.
However, my one beef with FRUIT ROLL UP fruit leather is the amount of sugar it contains. Each tiny strip contains 1 tsp of sugar. In EVERY tiny fruit roll up!
So that’s the great thing about making your own! You don’t need to put in any of the sugar because the fruit is already sweet enough!
However, my personal theory is, if you can eat the fruit plain (with its own sugars only) then you dont need to add any sugar to your purree.
Now you can pack all of that left over fruit into that delicious dried fruit roll-ups your once indulged in long ago
- fruit
- I wasn’t sure if my strawberries would be sweet enough so I added a mango! Mangos are always the go to for natural sugar. You have to find a really soft one and then you are golden!
- Strawberries + Mango was the perfect combination.
- BEWARE: Sometimes, if your fruit is not ripe enough, it may not be sweet enough.
- lemon/lime juice
- the citrus juice prevents the fruit leather from turning brown…you just need a little
Whether using an official dehydrator or an oven….both work well!
The key is to have the heat low low low so you dry out your fruit.
Preheat to 170 degrees.
Puree your fruit and lime/lemon juice in a blender until liquidy.
Pour onto a pan lined with parchment paper and spread to your desired thinness.
Dehydrate in your LOW temp oven for 3-5 hours depending on your thickness and when the center is no longer tacky.
Once you remove from the oven, don’t panic if your fruit leather seems like it may be too hard and brittle. When it is completely cool, it becomes supple and you can either tear it or cut strips and roll it up for later use! Enjoy!

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