All you need for this EASY WHOLE WHEAT DESSERT CREPE you already have in your kitchen….whole wheat flour (or white flour), eggs, milk (any kind will work), salt, honey and butter! Add fresh seasonal fruit and you’ve got yourself a quick and fancy dessert crepe!
The peach is in season and so is dessert! Lucky lucky us! And for this crepe, the ingredients are simple and really (most) people’s pantry…this is like food storage dessert really. So if you don’t have all the ingredients then maybe you could up your food storage game. Just saying….
**The beauty of these crepes is they can be made for dessert OR to be used with vegetables or meat as a savory crepe! If you are using as a savory crepe, I always make mine thicker than for dessert because they usually need to hold more hearty foods.

- whole wheat flour
- of course, you can make them with white if you prefer or if that is all you have! Or even half and half.
- eggs
- milk
- any variety will do…I personally have only ever used the cow version or the almond version
- salt
- just a pinch
- Vanilla
- if you are making these crepes for a savory dish then leave out the vanilla
- butter
- I have left his out before -on accident- and it actually works just fine!
- honey
- also optional and can leave out if making savory
Throw all ingredients in a blender and BLEND!
If using an 8 in – 10 in pan, you may have to experiment on the amount of ‘crepe juice’ (says Jude in his video) to know what is best for your size of crepe. Heat stovetop to medium and butter the pan.
Place pan on the stove and heat until butter sizzles, then you know it is ready for crepe cooking.
I like to use an 8 in or a 10 in pan to do crepes….I feel like that is the best size for my items that go inside. Also, it has the highest probability for me not breaking them because they are not too large.
Have a 1/4 cup measuring cup ready for pouring.
For me, I use a little under 1/4 cup. If I need a thicker, more sturdy crepe then I will use the whole 1/4 cup.
Using a 1/4 cup measuring cup, pour your batter in one hand and hold your hot pan in the other. Pick up the pan and begin to swirl it as you pour in your batter so all the crepe juice covers the bottom of the pan.
Set it back on the stove for just about 1 min or until it turns from shiny to dull and the edges begin to curl. That’s when you know it is ready!
This is an art (an easy and quick art) but may take a few tries so don’t give up! 🙂
he needed a to take a dump truck driving break
Ok, this may be another tricky learning curve part.
Grab a fork (my mom swears you should use plastic so you don’t scratch your pan)
When the crepe begins to turn dull in shinyness? And the edges begin to curl grab your fork and gently peel up on edge. Then, you can just flip it over onto the plate and it will fall out!

**HOWEVER, for the first few crepes, until you get the non-stickiness right with your pan, it may tear, THAT”S OK! Keep going! Sometimes, its like the 3rd or 4th crepe that actually starts to look the best!
Because they are rather sticky. Use plastic sandwich bags to separate them….and even better, cut down the sides so you lie one crepe down, then fold over the top and lay the next one down. That way they won’t stick together!
If you don’t want to cut a sandwich bag, you can just use a whole one in between each crepe. Or you could use seran wrap but that would be very tricky because it always sticks together. Use sandwich bags. Its the easiest:)
Enjoy them with whipped cream and berries
Enjoy them with fresh peaches and ice cream
Enjoy them with our dairy free chocolate pudding and strawberries!
Enjoy them like jude with regular old cinnamon and sugar:)
Powdered sugar and lemon juice is also a great choice…

tuesday tip: How to make easy whole wheat Dessert Crepes!
All you need for this EASY WHOLE WHEAT DESSERT CREPE you already have in your kitchen….whole wheat flour (or white flour), eggs, milk (any kind will work), salt, honey and butter! Add fresh seasonal fruit and you’ve got yourself a quick and fancy dessert crepe!
- 1 1/4 cup milk*
- 1 3/4 cup whole wheat flour**
- 3 eggs
- a pinch of salt
- 2 Tbls butter, melted
- 1 tsp vanilla
Add all ingredients in a blender and BLEND!
* I have used cow’s milk AND unsweetened almond milk.
**Can also use white flour or whole wheat flour
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