Welcome to the weekly edition of cooking tips on that Jude finds pretty useful…and maybe you will too! We started these during covid and although at one time it was weekly, now it is a bit more infrequent:)
JAN 22
I said it…less greasy bacon! Let the bacon drain it’s own grease and make itself those curvy waves at the same time! Just bake the bacon over rolls of tin foil and a majority of the grease will be swept away. Bake at 375 for 20 ish min.
NOV 16th

If you are in need of a HEALTHY pumpkin muffin with extra veggies, whole wheat, no added sugar and no butter? you have come to the right place!
find the recipe HERE
MAY 10th
Making your own Baked Parmesan Cheese crisps/Whisps are as easy as dumping on the cheese and baking it for 3-5 min. The end.

See right HERE for the full recipe of this one ingredient snack!
This Spring Strawberry Peach Protein Packed smoothie is the perfect mix of all colorful fruit on the pastel palette. It’s a healthy and quick Spring smoothie complete with high quality protein plus frozen strawberries, frozen peaches and a splash of honey.

Visit HERE for the full recipe!
MARCH 16th
Green Smoothie made for the most sneakiest of Leprechauns. Made with handfuls of organic spinach + fresh mango + apple + lemon + carrots + pineapple.
The wacky wisdom and recipe can be found here!
The Chinese take-out dumpling delicacy has now been transformed to an at-home, make it yourself delicacy with 8 ingredients!
All your Chinese New year dumplings can be found HERE!
This beautiful Dried Corn is a unique way to Thanksgiving up your table AND provide a good snack at the same time! Looks pretty and tastes great! Double win.
TO SEE MORE OF the dried corn and the ways to really enjoy it…visit HERE
This homemade healthy Coconut Pecan Granola is made with Pecans, unsweetened coconut and sweetened with maple syrup. It’s a great alternative to the store bought version AND healthier for you!
Please….wait NO more calories on hiding sugar from store bought granola. For this delicious healthy Coconut Pecan Granola and more tips and health tricks on granola, visit here!
Although papaya’s may look intimidating from the outside…cutting one of these beauties is actually easy! And it yields a very delicious fruit.

Aloha from one of the sunshine states?! I think that works…for more on this sunny recipe
Making these Sweet Potato Steak fries in an Air Fryer takes just 15 min and with the warm fall spices, its an easy crowd pleaser for any occasion.

Visit HERE for the recipe!
This easy stovetop homemade applesauce takes maybe 10 min and it will be a game changer the next time you look at store bought applesauce!
Tis the season for apples! yay!

visit HERE for the full post and recipe!
Whether your child is at school in the nearest school building OR at school in your living room; this is healthy, fun twist on a sandwich which makes a cute little stacker your kids will be raving about.

A lunch AND an activity??? Incredible and you can discover it for yourself right HERE
AUGUST 25th-
This EASY peasy 2 ingredient fruit leather is a great and healthy snack to whip up using any fruit you have in your house…and it requires only fruit! No sugar needed!

All the fruity leather you could imagine is right HERE—
AUGUST 18th-
With only 3 simple ingredients….TJ’s Chili Lime Seasoning + Peanuts + Lime juice…these peanuts can be tossed in your mouth by the handfuls for a healthy snack or as an addition to any meal for a little something extra.

Find the full ingredient list and recipe HERE
JULY 29th-
Easy stovetop popcorn recipe…now you can abandon that microwaved stuff and make fresh popcorn without the smelling like you burnt the house down:)

The popcorn is popping right here….
JULY 21st-
All you need for this EASY WHOLE WHEAT DESSERT CREPE you already have in your kitchen….whole wheat flour (or white flour), eggs, milk (any kind will work), salt, honey and butter! Add fresh seasonal fruit and you’ve got yourself a quick and fancy dessert crepe!

Peaches and crepes are calling you name–
JULY 7th-
Stuffing your burgers is a real down and dirty way to really one up your burger game this summer! As long as you stuff it with some kind of cheese and some kind of seasoning…you’ve already succeeded.

There is definitely a RIGHT way to stuff a burger-
JULY 1st-
“There’s always money in the banana stand”…or just a really good treat. Either or. Dad’s Frozen Banana stand meets easy 4th of July party treat…just freeze, dip and sprinkle and you’ve got yourself a healthy chocolatey treat for this great American Holiday

Happy chocolate dipped tips and the rest right HERE!
JUNE 16th-
This Grilled Corn on the cob (with the husk) is a unique way to enjoy the delicious summer vegetable in just 15 min.

Oh this corn tastes even BETTER than it looks! And you can find the full post HERE!
MAY 26th-
These easy, gluten free peanut butter cookies are JUST that—easy to make and only require 4 simple ingredients that are in your pantry right now! And they can be made refined sugar free…

get a little bit closer and you’ll get the FULL 4 ingredient cookie experience–
MAY 19th –
Talk to me about your issues of cooking a beet. Is it they are too hard and you don’t want to knick your knuckles trying to peel them? Or you don’t know how to cook them? Or is it because you think they taste like the dirt they are covered in? Well…

these are my all the red beets…
MAY 12th-
It IS possible to cook bacon without the need of a roll of paper towels to sop up the grease…or having to balance a baking sheet full of grease to prevent it from spilling on the floor.
to see my two bacons click HERE
MAY 5th-

A few valid reasons that lemon juice is a good juice to have around the house…and why you should definitely throw a lemon in your cart every time you order or go grocery shopping. Or if your daily life causes you to travel by a fruit stand. pick one up there!
For all your lemon squeezing needs
APRIL 21st-
Look no further to how you can easily and efficiently use fresh herbs for any summer dish! Just grab your nearest scissors and snip snip away!
for more tips on fresh herbs
APRIL 7th-
“If you can’t control your peanut butter…you can’t be expected to control your life.” -Bill Waterson, author of Calvin and Hobbes
Amen Bill.

Are you convinced?!

Find the full post HERE…
March 31st–
Now you can cook that perfectly hard boiled egg WITHOUT that ugly grey strip around the yolk…for any of your hard boiled egg dishes!
This small task is something I have been trying to master because nothing makes me as happy as doing something that SHOULD be simple. Like making a pretty hard boiled egg.
find the full post HERE…
March 24th — Happy Quaratine week #2!
We have done it people! Survived ONE whole week without socializing.
For some people this must be nice…takes away social anxiety because you have zero options to even have the CHOICE of getting together with another person. Therefore exponentially decreasing the anxiety that comes with socializing.
On the other end of the spectrum, to those who suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out), NO NEED people! I can assure you that there is no party you are missing out on…no brunch no one invited you too and no birthday party your child didn’t get invited too.
Kinda nice right?? Trying to look at the bright side:)

Anyway, back to easily preparing and enjoying butternut squash.
Have you ever NOT cooked a butternut squash because you are worried about your tiny 10 digits?? Well, worry no further….here is an easy tip for cooking the perfectly soft/ yet not mushy butternut squash!
Click HERE for the full post–